Mosquitoes and ticks love your yard because it provides a perfect habitat for their young. These pests use your yard as a breeding ground and once they’ve set up shop, you can expect to be bothered by itchy bites for weeks.
Be proactive in stopping these nuisances before they come to fruition by keeping them out of your yard in the first place! We’ve gathered five ways to prevent mosquitoes and ticks in your yard.
1. Rake Away Dead Leaves.
Mosquitos lay eggs along pond edges or wet areas, but ticks often hide deep within leaf piles. By removing these areas with a rake, you’ll reduce the number of mosquitoes and ticks that will bother you.
Worldwide Pest Control can also help get the job done if this tip doesn’t work.
2. Reduce Moisture Around Your Home.
Too much moisture will attract mosquitos who lay their eggs in stagnant water sources. These include kiddie pools, pet bowls, ponds, birdbaths and gutters. No water means no mosquitoes! To check for standing water around your home, look for moist spots on soil or plant saucers beneath potted plants.
3. Get Rid of Overgrown Weeds.
Ticks live in tall grass so keeping your yard clear of weeds is a great way to prevent ticks from coming near you. Be sure to mow frequently with sharp blades to remove tick hiding places that are too tough for most weed-whackers.
You could also consult Worldwide Pest Control’s Lawn Services to rid your lawn of weeds.
4. Add Some Mosquito Repellent Plants to Your Garden.
Certain perennial flowers can help keep mosquitoes at bay due to their strong scents which mask the smell of humans. Some good mosquito repellent plants to have around your garden are basil, lavender, geraniums, thyme and lemongrass.
5. Be Wise With Chemicals.
Be careful of using harsh chemicals to control mosquitoes in your garden since they can cause more harm than good, especially if you have pets or small children. Products containing pyrethrin have been shown to be safe for humans while also killing mosquitoes on contact without the use of harsh poisons.
Just be sure not to over-apply insecticides so that they won’t end up running off into lakes and streams when it rains (which can happen even when you’re applying them according to directions). You should also never use these products on edible plants.
If none of these tips seem to keep mosquitoes and ticks at bay, contact Worldwide Pest Control today.